Beat Depression

with deep coaching

shift focus

change habits

elevate your life

Hi, I’m Kent.

If you are depressed, I understand the struggle. If the darkness and misery have persisted, despite your best efforts, I want you to know there is hope. Depression is more than just a chemical imbalance; it’s also a way of thinking, acting, and being–which you have the power to change. And I can help you. How do I know you can change? Because I was once told my depression would stop me from living a normal life, but now my life is stable and fulfilling.

My coaching may be right for you, if: 

  • You lack motivation to do things that once brought you pleasure.

  • The trappings of outer world success have left you feeling empty.

  • You have lost intimacy with your partner and don’t know how to reconnect.

  • People are frustrated and disappointed with you for “dropping the ball.”

  • You feel lonely and isolated.

  • You desire a life filled with more purpose and passion.

  • Antidepressants and therapy haven’t gotten you out of the funk.

  • You’re not sure of where else to turn.

What if depression isn’t something “wrong” with you, but a calling to live in a more effective and inspired way? 

My coaching will help you:

Relieve Despair

Reveal the hidden patterns that cause depression and gain objective self-understanding.

Accelerate Change

Learn how to take “contrary action” and build new habits to create the happy life you deserve.

Strengthen connections

Release negativity towards yourself and others, paving the way for fulfilling relationships.

What my clients say

  • "Kent’s work with me 10 years ago still informs my life to this day. He guided me to break free from limiting beliefs, allowing my relationships, career, and well-being to flourish."

    Paul Taegel



My story began unexpectedly, with a massive brain injury from a motorcycle accident at the age of 12. This injury, coupled with a later diagnosis of bipolar disorder and struggles with mental health, led me to hospital stays and alcohol rehabilitation programs.

My favorite saying, "No mud, no lotus," captures the essence of my work. This saying originates from Buddhist teachings and beautifully captures my personal journey and why I am here to assist you. It signifies that from the pain and suffering we endure, a sense of purpose and fulfillment can blossom.

Even after becoming sober from alcohol addiction in my mid-20s, I often found myself paralyzed by depression and experienced periods of homelessness. However, I never lost hope.

Through these experiences, I discovered that every painful moment was meant to wake me up to my true self, enabling me to be of service to you now.

Suffering became the mud from which my lotus emerged. And I believe this is possible for you too.

If you are currently feeling lost, isolated, or in pain, please know that I understand and I see you.

As a certified Enneagram practitioner, I delve into the core of your personality to unveil your true self and help you understand why you do what you do.

I am also certified in somatic healing, a practice that taps into the body's intelligence to release trauma and suffering.

Furthermore, with over 25 years of experience in personal development, I integrate mindfulness and practical eastern philosophy into my coaching approach.

What my clients say

  • "Kent leads by example, gently cutting through the BS, to guide you towards living your best life. After just one session, it felt like I had undergone years of therapy!"

    L. Silver




 Personality Typing Session 

Know thyself and you'll be golden. In this 90-minute session, we will identify your Enneagram type, so you can understand yourself on a whole new level. The Enneagram is a shortcut to transformation. By pinpointing your type, you will reveal your deeper motivations, fears, and desires—showing what makes you tick.

Each person has unique strengths and challenges. Understanding your type means you can amplify your strengths while minimizing challenges. In our session, we'll uncover your gifts, limitations, and natural tendencies. This gives you the clarity to intentionally navigate through life.

Since most of what we communicate is nonverbal, online tests just can't stack up against the depth of human evaluation.

Sick and tired of feeling down and frustrated? Let’s work together to create the incredible life you deserve with my six-month signature program. 

The Shine Fiercely

Signature 6 Month Program 

1. Magnify

your strengths 

find your gifts and let them guide your path

Are you hoping to get out of the loop of doing the same old job that is sucking your soul and stifling your potential? By tuning into your true strengths, you'll cut a path to get you beyond your professional rut and transition into the next chapter of your career. 

* Wake up feeling inspired, driven by passion, knowing you're making a difference.

2. Come out of the


illuminate hidden habits for intentional choices

Wondering why you're in yet another relationship with someone who exhibits the same dark qualities that your dad or mom had? Identify and confront these destructive patterns that seem to be on autopilot, and choose something different, so you can create more fulfilling relationships.

* Find freedom from repetitive struggles and cultivate harmony within yourself and your relationships through intentional living.

3. Transform

your pain

release old wounds stored in your body, allowing healing and clarity

Are you baffled as to why the same shame, fear, or anger are getting in your way and keeping you from living your dreams? Somatic healing gets to the heart of these emotions, helping your body heal from past experiences and break free from self-sabotage, so you can live with more contentment and confidence. 

* Say goodbye to depression and anxiety, and gain a lasting sense of safety and wisdom within your body.

4. Elevate your


build connections that reflect your values and dignity

Why aren't people respecting your boundaries or giving you the empathy that you desire? Take charge of your relationships by demanding the love and respect you deserve. This starts not only by changing the people you're attracted to but also by projecting a different vibe. 

* Reduce conflict and deepen passion and connections in relationships, leading to a more adventurous life.

5. Anchor

your peace

strengthen your emotional well-being and cultivate inner calm

Do you find yourself overreacting to your significant other or friend and asking yourself, “Why in the hell did I lose my temper again?” Take proactive steps  to improve your emotional well-being, and cultivate inner peace through practical mindfulness tactics so you stop blowing up on the people in your life. 

* Eliminate defensiveness and fear, uncover uncaused joy, trust, and curiosity.

6. Ignite

your action 

set goals and execute in a way that truly resonates with who you are.

Have you found yourself distracted, unmotivated, or overwhelmed? Are you spending Saturday mornings lost in video games or nursing a hangover instead of building the life you want? Through getting clear about where you want to go, we will initiate your action plan to show up for the life you really want to be living.

* Bridge the gap between who you want to be and how you live. Feel proud, useful, and experience true flow in life.

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